Membership & Volunteer
Membership in Carson Valley Community Theatre is open to any individual interested in the theatre arts, whether it be performing on stage, working in some off-stage capacity, attending CVCT performances, or supporting the company through donations. Persons interested in joining CVCT or becoming involved may obtain further information by contacting CVCT.
If you would like to be on our e-mail list you can sign up by clicking here.
Members of CVCT in good standing are welcomed to attend and observe the regular Monthly Board Meetings. Monthly Board meetings are structured following the guidelines of the IRS Code 501 (c) (3). Opportunity for member participation to briefly introduce a topic, advice, or concern is made available during the New Business segment of the Meeting Agenda. Members intending to contribute items for consideration as regular Board business in a future meeting agenda must provide a written outline or overview of the proposed Board agenda item.
​We also have many opportunities available for directors, producers, designers and actors.